We are the original Leak Detection Ltd with the experience to prove it.
At Leak Detection Ltd., we are one of New Zealand’s longest established water leak detection companies. Our technicians are trained and specialise in residential and commercial water leak detection, allowing us to excel in our field.
Over the past decade, we have helped solve between 3,000 – 4,000 water leak issues per year in New Zealand. That’s a lot of precious water saved annually!
We work alongside Sub Surface Detection Ltd, which specialises in detecting all underground utilities. Sub Surface Detection Ltd applies Ground Penetrating Radar and Pipe & Cable locating technology.
Leak Detection Ltd locates water leaks only, leaving the repairs to our trusted plumbing colleagues. In fact, many of our clients are plumbers who rely on our services to save them and their own clients time and money.
Caught in a leaky situation? We've got you sorted.
Water Leak Detection Services New Zealand
We're not plumbers that occasionally apply specialist underground water leak detection equipment. Our technicians are full-time experienced and highly focused in this specialised industry.
Acoustic Detection
We use the latest acoustic leak detection equipment, listening for the noise created by water leaving the pipe. Once we can trace the trench line in which the water pipe has been laid, we will listen directly above this line for the noise that is being created. We can then mark the precise location of your water leak. Depending on the size, depth and material of the water pipe and leak, this method enables us to potentially detect the target leak very quickly.
Water Pipe Tracing
Our technicians are trained, experienced, and are the best in their field at using Pipe & Cable Locating methods. As a result, we can better determine underground pipeline positions, which is critical to help successfully detect water leaks. In addition, we also specialise in the detection of all underground utilities (Sub Surface Detection Ltd.). We have multiple Pipe & Cable locating tools available through Sub Surface Detection Ltd.
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
GPR is used to aid in picking up the positions of underground services by pushing the equipment across the ground to receive images from below the surface. This tool can be used in circumstances when non-metallic pipelines such as plastics requiring detection. We currently have 9 x GPR units with highly experienced technicians applying these tools daily on multiple projects, large and small. www.subsurfacedetection.co.nz
Leak Solution Consulting
If your water pipeline needs to be replaced or added to, we can help you. We can identify pipeline entry points into buildings. Alongside our years of underground civil contracting experience, we work with many directional drilling & civil engineering companies in Auckland directly involved with water line maintenance and installations. It is our main priority and goal to help our clients economically solve their water leakage issues.
Book a Job
- For NON-Account holders, Leak Detection requires payment on completion of the survey or any site visit. If you are unable to meet onsite to complete a cash or EFTPOS/Credit Card payment, alternative payment arrangements must be agreed prior to attending.
- ACCOUNT holders are invoiced following the job as per your account settings.
- NOTE: We cannot guarantee your leak will be found and payment is required regardless of the result of the survey.
Business Hours
$160 + GST
Per Hour
Applies to Business Hours
Monday – Friday
7AM – 5PM
$184.00 per hour
1 Hour Minimum Charge Applies
We will charge for actual time on site if we exceed the minimum 1 hour.
Non-Business Hours
$210 + GST
Per Hour
Applies to Non-Business Hours
Monday – Friday & Weekends
5PM – 7AM
$241.50 per hour
Weekdays 1 Hour Minimum Charge Applies
Weekends 2 Hour Minimum Charge Applies
We will charge for actual time on site if we exceed minimum charges.
Our Travel Rates
Travel costs apply outside the highlighted area
$30 Flat Rate + GST
East: Maraetai, Beachlands, Brooky, Whitford
South: Kingseat, Ramarama, Ararimu
West: Waimauku
$80 Flat Rate + GST
South: Pukekohe, Waiuku, Tuakau
North: Silverdale, Whangaparāoa Peninsula, Orewa
$80 + GST Per Hour
South: Beyond Pokeno / Tuakau / Waiuku Areas
North: Beyond Orewa
West: Beyond Waitakere, Waimauku, Waitoki, and Wainui Areas
Our Happy Customers
Yay yay yay... The red digits are no longer turning at all if no-ones using water... Yay... The bypass has worked and will lay the pipe underground this weekend.... We're all so so happy... Thanks to you for detecting the issue and making the suggestions...Margosia
Just had the leak repaired this morning so ‘HOORAY’ no more big water bills!Virginia | Campbell Rd, Waiuku
Many thanks for the fast friendly great service we received.Tania | Stapleford Crescent, Browns Bay
I am impressed with your service... am extremely grateful and I would certainly recommend your business to anyone who has the same problem.Tina Duffy | Executive Officer I Rangeview Intermediate School
Thanks again for Steve's professional service! Top guy:)Tony | Whitney St, Blockhouse Bay, Auckland
Dear Steve, Sincere thanks for attending on the day and the professional and speedy manner in which you completed your survey inspection of establishing the leakage point.Bruce & Caroline | Fonteyn Village Management Limited
Request a Job
Business Hours = $160 + GST
Non-Business Hours (Weekdays / Weekends) = $210 + GST
Minimum Charges Apply
Terms of Trade
(Disclaimer to be read prior to engagement)
- This agreement governs the provision of underground water leak detection surveying' by Leak Detection Ltd to the person or organisation engaging our services ("you").
- You acknowledge that the services are intended to assist in indicating' underground water leaks and services. The procedures and equipment used cannot be relied upon to detect all underground water leaks and services and cannot be relied on for that purpose.
- No guarantee can be given to the position of any underground target or leak indicated by Leak Detection Ltd, visual confirmation is the only method to confirm any underground target. (AS 5488.1.2019 Classification of Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) Quality Level A)
- The accuracy of the procedure and equipment used by Leak Detection Ltd can vary. You may not assume that any underground water leak or utility lies in the position indicated. In addition, the equipment and procedures used do not provide a reliable guide regarding any depths given.
- You must therefore confirm the position and depth of all underground services indicated' by carefully digging with hand tools or hydro excavation before machine excavation.
- Leak Detection Ltd is in no circumstances liable for any damage to or disturbance of any underground services, or for any injury, loss or other consequences of such damage of disturbance, which may be suffered by you, or by any other person or organisation including (without limitation) any operator, contractor, owner, customer, service company, city council, or subscriber. You will at all times indemnify Leak Detection Ltd against any liability for such injury, loss or damage, and all consequences thereof.
- Without Prejudice to the above provision if Leak Detection Ltd should in any circumstances have any liability to you in tort or contract or otherwise in connection with the services, its liability shall be confined to damages in a maximum sum not exceeding the sum of money paid to Leak Detection Ltd by you for the services. Leak Detection Ltd will have no liability whatsoever for any loss of profits, business, income, revenue or contracts, or incidental or consequential loss or damage suffered by you.
- The above protections and indemnities also apply for the benefit of all employees, officers, agents and contractors of Leak Detection Ltd.
- You acknowledge that this document contains the entire agreement between you and Leak Detection Ltd and that no representation, warranty or stipulation inconsistent with this document is expressed or implied on the part of Leak Detection Ltd.
- Payment Terms
- NON-Account holders - payment is required immediately on completion of the survey or any site visit. Cash, EFTPOS or Credit Card Payments will be taken on-site unless alternative payment arrangements are made before our attendance.
- ACCOUNT holders, payment is required by the 20th day of the month following the date of the invoice.
- Overdue Accounts will incur 25% interest and an invoice will be re-issued automatically. All Collection Costs incurred at the debtor's expense.
- Bank Account No. for Payments : ASB - 12-3026-0351507-00
- Any invoice disputes need to be notified to Leak Detection Ltd within 7 days of completion of on-site survey or receiving of invoice.
Frequently Asked Questions
No, it’s impossible to locate all underground water leaks. If we can’t find the position of a water leak, we will discuss with you what we believe will be the next best step to take. We’ll help you overcome the problem.
Payment will be required whether the leak is detected or not.
Structural and environmental variables that affect the outcome of a water leak detection survey include the following:
- Volume or size of water leak (measured over 1 minute, examples 10 litres per minute, 1 litre per minute, 500 ml per minute, 50 ml per minute). Small Leak = Low Volume Noise.
- Noise pollution. If the survey is near a busy road or is in an industrial area, an after-hours survey may be required (different rates apply). However, it would be best to attempt during daytime to determine pipeline positions or any site issues.
- Type of ground surface (concrete, asphalt, grass, etc.)
- Pipe material and diameter.
- Underground conditions (clay, soil, rock, possible cavities, etc.)
- Depth of water pipes.
- Leakage within or near underground cavities or drainage networks (echoing).
- Water pressure.
Sometimes there may be more than one water leak on the pipeline that we can’t confirm in one survey. In these circumstances, we will detect the most significant leak that needs to be repaired. Once full pressure is put into the pipeline again, we can identify the next leakage point with a new survey.
Unfortunately no. At times there may be more than one leak within the pipeline system. We can only mark the loudest point as noise can also be generated on other fittings, including joints, elbows and T connections. Identifying all leakages requires the best sound indicated to be confirmed and repaired. Once “full” pressure is back into the pipe system, it may cause the next weakest link in the pipeline chain to leak, requiring another leak detection survey.
If Leak Detection Ltd could not detect the water leak, we will suggest the best options to help move forward to help solve the issues. Such options may be:
- We may have confirmed the entry point in the building to enable the replacement of the pipeline or a part of it.
- The survey may require a process of elimination. For example, “cut and cap’ off options to determine which direction the leak issue is.
- Can provide contacts for direction drilling new installation of pipelines.
- Provide underground utility locating before new pipeline installations or excavations (Sub Surface Detection Ltd).
If the main water pipe needs to be replaced, we’ll locate the line’s entry point position to your property or building. We work alongside many directional drilling and underground civil engineering companies. In addition, we can provide recommendations on who is the best to obtain quotes from to replace or repair your water pipe.
Usually, the first sign of a water leak is an unexpected and costly water bill. 75% of the call-outs we receive are to investigate water leaks with no sign of surface water.
To confirm that the issue is yours, perform an easy test to make sure that the issue is yours. Go through the house and property to confirm that there are no running/ dripping taps, place a piece of toilet paper against the back of the all toilet bowls to check for moisture. Finally, check to see if your water meter is continuously running. If it is moving take a reading of the loss volume over “one minute only” and record.
How to Check Your Water Meter for a Water Leak
Focusing on the red “mLs & Litre” digits on the far right-hand side, time the movement over one minute only. For example,
- Loss of 10 Litres per minute;
- Loss of 1.5 Litres per minute;
- Loss of 500 mLs per minute;
- Loss of 80 mLs per minute.